Well, would you believe it…I am nearly half way through my time in Peru!..I am praying the second half is less ‘bumpy’ than the first half!….Apologies for not updating my blog for ages,,,various reasons for this, but the main one is laziness!!!!

So since my last update, I have continued to be challenged in many ways…language, lonliness, homesickness and general questioning in what on earth am I doing here..as I have felt pretty useless. But I am still here and I despite all that, there are some wonderful moments I am experiencing, amd lovely friendships I am forming, so I am looking to those more and more for encouragement! I think the biggest thing for me in the last few weeks has been my trip to Bolivia! It was a bit of a last minute thing as i realised 2 weeks ago, my tourist visa was about to expire, so my only option was to head to the nearest border, stay out the country for 24 hours, then return, with another 3 months on my passport!..This was something I really did not want to do alone, butdue to the short notice, I had little choice!..So I used it as an opportunity to whole-heartedly put my trust in God to help me through the weekend…not only did He not let me down, but He blessed me in so many ways, and i felt such a closeness to Him all weekend. I know now that God wanted me to do this trip, not alone, but with Him..and what an amazing travelling companion He was! En route to Bolivia, I was looking out the window of the bus and saw some mountains in the distance, which I was admiring, then in the distance, I saw some huge snow peaked mountains, that were so big they towered over the other mountains, making them look almost flat and insignificant..in that moment, I felt God tell me that my worries and anxieties are like the first lot of mountains…they look huge and overwhelming,BUT, put them next to God,and He towers over them, overshadowing them and making them and insignificant…..Amazing!…and what is even more amazing is that same God who created those mountains, cares about what I worry about, and wants the best for me..forever!…brilliant

Anyway….sorry a bit of a boring blog..but figured it was time to put pen to paper…or rather finger to keyboard!…I will try not to leave it too long until the next blog!

Oh by the way, FYI, I had more problems getting OUT of Peru, than I did getting back into the country..but that is another story!!

Still here!!!

3 thoughts on “Still here!!!

  1. monica says:

    Love it, love it love it!!!!!
    that’s why you are there Jen, so
    God can get you full attention and your full praise.:-)

  2. Lee Davey says:

    Great line Jen – that same God who created those mountains,cares about what I worry about – so true and so easily forgotten.
    Am so pleased that you’re able to see,if only moments at a time,the way He is with you.
    Must be so lonely the rest of the time but you will come back a stronger Jen.

  3. stevehailes says:

    Well done Jen, you are doing soo well, it may not always feel like it but your faith is growing like mad! And you seem to be getting daily revelation on just how unhelpful those feelings can be!

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